Life Is Beautiful..!!
Life Is Beautiful..!!
تو یه سایت خارجی یه مطلب دیدم خیلی خوشم اومد
امیدوارم که شما هم خوشتون بیاد
When a pair of footprints
In the sands of time
Walk alongside of you
And make it fine
It has to feel just so wonderful
Your heart it sings
Life is Beautiful!
When you catch the rain
On a scorching day
When the showers cool
Just make your day
It has to feel just so wonderful
Your heart it sings
Life is Beautiful!
When someone kisses
The tip of your nose
and with feather hands
gathers you so close
It has to feel just so wonderful
Your heart it sings
Life is Beautiful!
When baby hands
Grip your fingers tight
And a gentle smile
Shows all it’s might
It has to feel just so wonderful
Your heart it sings
Life is Beautiful
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