Evaluating Iranian High school Textbooks
Prepared by: Teimo or Ansari
Head of English Department
Table of ContentsAbstractStatement of Problem, Research Hypothesis, Research Objectives, Importance of Evaluation, Evaluating High school Textbooks, Evaluation Criteria.1) Audience2) Course Objectives'3) The Syllabus Content 4) Procedures used for teaching the textbooks 5) Data AnalysisConclusions ReferencesEvaluating Iranian High school TextbooksPrepared.by: Teimoor Ansari M.A.AbstractOne of the problems of language learning in Iran is that most of our students do not have the capacity to express themselves in the foreign language fluently after studying English at guidance and high school for six years. In other words, they cannot communicate in English. It seems that it is partly due to the textbooks used, and partly to the kinds of instruction, procedures and techniques used for teaching English as a foreign language at high schools.The present paper has taken an analytic look at the course objectives and course, books written for the high school students by using a questionnaire and textbook evaluation parameters.Statement of the ProblemMy experience as an English teacher and teaching in Iranian high schools for many years has convinced me that English teaching objectives are not well-defined and most Qf the students do not overcome language learning problems and are not proficient enough to communicate in the foreign language. These students are not motivated enough to study English, and look at the course just as a subject matter which should be passed and do not understand its importance as a means of communication with which they can adapt themselves to new improvements in technology and other sciences .It is said that to acquire the target language effectively, learners need to engage actively in /processing the meanings of whatever they hear and read. A big problem in language teaching which our students encounter is that the tasks included in their textbooks do not give them enough practice in the skills they will need. In short, the textbooks somehow lack the variety of communication tasks which can motivate and give learners a purpose for doing them.Apart from the problem of textbooks, the other major problem is due to the procedures and techniques teacher,5 use to achieve the goals they have in mind. Some of them can use their creativity to change the existing materials of the textbooks into communication tasks and givetheir students enough practice in different skills. Although during the recent years there havebeen many changes in English syllabuses at Iranian guidance and high schools, these changes have not always yielded positive results. Although it seems that the designers were honest in their attempts to take advantage of new findings in applied linguistics, they have always looked at English from a narrow point of view, i.e. as a designer, not from the point of view of the learners; therefore, the syllabuses designed were teacher-centered, not student-centered .Research'HypothesisThe high school English text books and the procedures and techniques used for teaching them cannot help our students to overcome their communication problems in English.Research Objectives With regard to the aforementioned problems due to the textbooks and the teachi~g techniques and procedures, the present researcher decided to take an analytic look at high school textbooks and highlight the problems related to both the content of materials and the techniques used to teach them. It seems that the problem here is bidirectional. First, the textbooks themselves should be written in a way that encourage students and motivate them to engage in the learning activities, and teachers need to use new methods, techniques and strategies to prepare the students to take part actively in learning situation in order to achieve the goal; i. e . communication.Evaluation: Richards, et al. (1992, p. 130) define evaluation as: "The systematic gathering of information for purposes of decision making. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987), evaluation is a matter of judging the suitability of something for a particular purpose. In evaluation there is no absolute good or bad - only degrees of suitability for the required purpose. According to Robinson (1991) evaluation is the discovery of the value of something for a particular purpose .Importance of EvaluationIn today's classrooms, textbooks serve as tool and tutor, guidebook and gauge. Teachers throughout the world use texts to guide their instruction, so text books greatly influence how content is delivered. Schmidt, et al. (1997) identified textbooks as playing an important role in making the leap from intentions and plans to classroom activities, by making content available, organizing it, and setting out learning tasks in a form designed to be appealing to students. Good text books can play s central role in improving education for all studetts and the quality of thetextbooks should be judged mainly on their likely effectiveness in helping students to achieve the desired goals To make the most effective use of a textbook, teachers must decide which textbooks are appropriate for their needs. A teacher needs to determine the extent to which a textbook focuses on and is aligned with a coherent set of significant, age-appropriate student learning goals that the teacher, school, or district has identified as integral to the understanding of and progress in a particular academic subject. They must also assess how well a textbook's instructional designeffectively supports the attainment of those specified learning goals. The only way to gain this information is through careful evaluations of textbooks and other curriculum materials.This evaluation should reveal how well a textbook can support teachers in their effoqs to help studentslearn specific ideas and skills.Evaluating High school TextbooksIn evaluating a textbook there are several logical stages including planning, implementing, interpreting, reporting, and so on. The planning stage is the longest and the most important part of an evaluation process because it is Idifficult to adjust later for the mistakes or omissions at this stage. The way of conducting an evaluation much depends on the purposes of the evaluation, the nature of the program or project being evaluated, the individuals involved- their personalities and their interrelationships- and on the timescales and resources involved. Therefore, evaluation should be conducted in a principled, systematic and explicit manner. It should be noted that no evaluation is ever objective; the evaluators, their sponsors and the objects of the evaluation all have perspectives and understandings which are subjective.The first question about the planning of an evaluation is about its purpose. According to Alderson (1992), the aim might be to convince a skeptical language teaching profession that a particular method works and should be introduced more widely, to investigate whether a project ican contribute to institutional decisions or whether to discard or continue a program or methodology. A good evaluation helps the decision makers decide on the allocation of resources, not claim about the superiority of particular approaches or methods. So in this paper the researcher tries to evaluate the existing textbooks in order to allocate the useful and suitable resources to promote the quality of English language teaching in Iranian high schools.