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موضوع: Teaching Handwriting

  1. #1
    O M I D آواتار ها
    • 15,114
    مدير بازنشسته

    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
    راه های ارتباطی

    filish Teaching Handwriting

    How to Teach Handwriting
    About three-quarters of elementary school teachers say they don't feel adequately prepared to teach handwriting. That figure isn't surprising when you consider that few teacher training programs in the United States today address handwriting instruction. Perhaps this article can help! Included: Handwriting lessons, free worksheets.

    Have Computers Forced Handwriting Out of the Picture?
    Computers have demoted the second of the three Rs, some educators say. Instead of teaching cursive letters, teachers point students to the letters on the keyboard. Not all educators and handwriting experts agree on why handwriting skills are declining, however. Some place the blame on teachers, school budgets, or book publishers.

    Hurry Up and Write! Contest Deadline Looms
    Kate Gladstone, national director of the World Handwriting Achievement Contest, explains why handwriting is important even in a technological age, and discusses how both students and teachers can improve their handwriting. Included: Tips for teaching handwriting, and how to enter the contest.

    Handwriting Practice Made Easy
    At handwriting instruction time, students use special whiteboards as they would paper. Using the boards enables students to work until they're happy with their writing; they can erase until they succeed. Invite students who have created the best writing samples to go to the head of the class to show off their work.
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    .... پس.... بخند .... ببخش .... و فراموش کن

  2. #2
    negar92 آواتار ها
    • 2,576

    عنوان کاربری
    باز نشسته بخش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2012
    شغل , تخصص
    دانشجو مترجمی زبان انگلیسی
    رشته تحصیلی
    مترجمی زبان انگلیسی
    راه های ارتباطی

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