Scuba Dive Without The Wetsuit

با كمك این وسیله در حالیكه بیرون از آب هستید می توانید به راحتی درون آب و زیر دریا را نگاه كنید

I’ve been scuba diving once and I’m not sure I would want to undergo the fuss again. Can’t stand the water getting into the goggles, and since I’m not a pro (to own my personal gear) a generic close-to-my-prescription-number-goggles do not help. I’d much rather get clearer vision and view the underwater beauty from the sidelines. Glass bottom boats are more like it, but even better would be the Beriscope!

Bresicope is a toy like contraption that comes with a water-resistant camera that is secured at the end of a retractable line. Throw this camera into the water, mimicking a fishing line, and watch the underwater marvels unfold before your eyes via the special viewing goggles.
Beriscope can also be used by the pros to scout for great diving locations.
Simply Love this!
Designer: Jaewon Choi