A Halo of Light to Save You

این چراغها به گونه ای طراحی شده اند كه در مواقع خاص یا هر وقت كه روشن بشوند مسیر خروجی و اینكه از چه مسیری می توانید از ساختمان و یا از منطقه خطر دور شوید را نمایش می دهند

As the flames get hotter you stumble in panic looking for your way out of the maze of hallways that seem so familiar yet alien at the moment. Smoke stings your eyes as you desperately search for any signs of escape. Follow the Halo, it will guide you.
This may seem like some scene in a movie but in reality this could happen to any of us. In times of crisis, we lose our ability to think coherently and often the simplest task seems daunting.
Halo was designed to aid people in times of crisis such as blackouts and fires directing them to the fastest possible exit route. By using LED lights, halos are cast upon the floor indicating the direction in which the exit is located. This is especially useful in smoke laden fires since people are advised to stick close to the floor. The light also pulsates in the direction of the exit providing a secondary indication upon which direction to head.
Designer: Foo Wei Zen & Chua Wenfong