اگر آن تـُرك شيرازي بدست آرد دل ما را
,If that Shirâzian Turk would deign to take my heart within her hand
بـِخال هندُويش بخشم سمرقند و بُخارا را
.To make her Indian mole my own, I'd give Bukhára and Samarkand
بده ساقي ميِ باقي كه در جنّت نخواهي يافت
Sákí, present the wine unspent: in Jannah thou shalt never gaze
كنار آب رُكناباد و گلگشتِ مصلّا را
.On Ruknábád's water-marge, or on Musallâ's bloomy ways
فغان كاين لُوليان شوخِ شيرين كارِ شهرآشوب
,Alas! That these bold Lúlián, whose blandishments the town embroil
چنان بردند صبر از دل كه تُركان خوان يغما را
.Should have borne off my heart's content, as do the Turks their trays of spoil
ز عشق ناتمام ما جمال يار مستغني است
:My loved one's beauty has no need of an imperfect love like mine
بِآب و رنگ و خال و خط چه حاجت روي زيبا را
?By paint or powder, mole or streak, can a fair face more brightly shine
من از آن حُسنِ روز افزون كه يوسف داشت دانستم
I, from those daily-growing charms which Joseph once possessed, foresaw
كه عشق از پردۀ عصمت برون آرد زليخا را
.That, from the screen of chastity, Love would Zulaikha's footsteps draw
اگر دُشنام فرمايي وگر نفرين دُعا گويم
:Thou mockest me, yet pleased am I! God pardon thee, thy words were meet
جوابِ تلخ ميزيبَد لبِ لعل شكرخارا
.A bitter answer well becomes those rubies which are sugar-sweet
حديث از مُطرب و مِي گوي و رازِ دَهر كمتر جُو
:Of minstrels and of wine discourse; care little how the skies revolve
كه كس نگشود و نگشايد بحكمت اين مُعمّا را
.By wisdom no one has solved yet-and shall not this enigma solve
نصيحت گوش كن جانا كه از جان دوستر دارند
,O soul, give ear to my advice! For one who is in youth-time sage
جوانان سعادتمند پند پير دانا را
.Deems his own soul of lighter worth than the monition of old age
غزل گفتي و دُر سفتي بيا و خوش بخوان حافظ
;Thy lay is versed, thy pearls are pierced, come, HÁFIZ, sing it us please
كه بر نظم تو افشانـَد فلك عقد ثريّا را
.That heaven upon thy poetry, may fling her clustered Pleiades
تصحيح غزل و ترجمه: دكتر حسين الهي قمشه اي