Maintenance KPI
قابل توجه علاقمندان به محاسبه شاخصهاي نگهداري و تعميرات :
چهارده شاخص مهم از شاخصهاي نگهداري و تعميرات توسط Davi Ngo بشرح زير معرفي گرديده است .
1. Time taken to answer maintenance calls
• Time from call for maintenance to time of repairing.
• You should maintain work log to summarize this rate.
2. % of preventive maintenance cost
• Formula: % preventive maintenance cost / total maintenance costs
• Preventive maintenance are activities for the purpose of maintaining equipment and facilities in satisfactory operating condition by providing for systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects.
4. Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
• Mean Time to Repair is average time between the occurrence of an incident and its resolution.
4. Preventive maintenance hours
• Formula: total hours of preventive maintenance per year.
5. Schedule Completion Effectiveness (%)
• Formula: actual maintenance hours planned / maintenance hours planned to complete scheduled tasks.
6. Critical Equipment availability
• Number of critical equipment availability / total breakdowns
7. Number of breakdowns
• Formula: Total breakdowns per year or per department.
• MTBF is Mean Time Between Failures.
• It is total time of failures and it is almost costs to my company
9. % of maintenance rework
Maintenance action that is a repeat of a previous, ineffective effort relative to all maintenance work.
10. Total maintenance cost per year.
• Total maintenance cost = total preventive and corrective maintenance costs.
11. Maintenance cost per unit
• Formula: Total maintenance cost / number of produced units.
• This rate is used to compare to last period or competitors in same business field.
12. % of maintenance hours of operating time
• Maintenance hours is the actual maintenance hours spent maintaining an item of equipment (or plant).
• Maintenance hours includes preventive and corrective maintenance hours.
13. % of corrective maintenance cost
• Formula: % corrective maintenance cost / total maintenance costs.
• Corrective maintenances are activities to carry out on a defect which has caused equipment to be taken out of service.
14. Budget compliance
• Formula: Total budget implemented / budget planned
Davi Ngo, hrvinet.com
HR management
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