Fill in the blanks of these form letters and email them to your pen pals
Introduction Letter
Hi there <insert name> of potential pen pal
My name is <insert your name> and I found your email address <insert where you found their address> I read the information you left about yourself and I think we would make a great pen pal match
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I am <insert your age> years old and live in <insert country name> My hobbies include <insert a short list of hobbies and/or interests> I attend <insert public private or home> school
<Something very interesting about me is <insert something unique about yourself
I hope to hear fr om you soon You can reach me at <insert email address> and I will reply to you as soon as possible
Your Pal
<insert your name>

Reply Letter
Hi <insert name of person who wants to be your pen pal
It was great hearing fr om you I am very excited about being your pen pal Let me tell you a little more about who I am
I collect <insert what you collect> I also like to listen to <insert a list of favorite bands> In my spare time I like to <insert a short list of after-school interests
Tell me a little bit more about yourself What are you favorite things and what do you do in your spare time
If your pen pal is from a different country tell them what makes your country special Be sure to ask them what they like most about the country they live in
I’m looking forward to developing our pen pal relationship
Your Pal
<insert your name>

No Reply Letter
Hi again <insert name of potential pen pal
I wrote you a week ago asking you to be my pen pal and I never heard back from you
Are you interesting in being my pen pal? If you are can you drop me a quick note I understand if life is a busy at the moment If you do not want to be my pen pal I understand
Please write me a quick note either way
I look forward to your reply
<insert your name>

When Your Pal Offends You
Hi <insert name pen pal
I would like to have a serious talk with you about <insert yesterday/2 days ago/whenever> I was a little hurt by something that was said Remember when you said ”<insert exactly what they wrote or said>” It really hurt my feelings that you thought that way
I would like to explain to you why that was hurtful to me <Explain it in a short and straight forward paragraph Do not call your pal names Write only about your own feelings
I am sure that you did not mean to hurt my feelings I am hoping we can clear this up so we can go on being such great friends
I hope to hear from you soon You can reach me at <insert email address> and I will reply to you as soon as possible
Your Pal
<insert your name>

Wanting To Share A Secret
Hi <insert name of pen pal
I have got to tell you something! This is a secret so please don’t tell anyone else I am counting on you to hold it close to your heart
<insert your secret>
Tell me what you think? Isn’t it <insert great wild awful funny etc > I can’t wait to hear back from you
Remember ”mum’s the word
Your Pal
<insert your name>
Please be aware that if you reveal a secret to your pen pal that will jeopardize your own life or someone else’s it is your pals responsibility to tell an adult your secret So be aware in advance that if your pen pal is a good friend they will not keep those kinds of secrets [/i]

Your Secret Was Told

Hi <insert name of pen pal
Remember a while ago when I wrote you that letter that told you a secret I had? Well you were the only person online I told I seems that our other online friends have somehow found out my secret
I was wondering if maybe you let my secret slip? If you did we have to talk about it I am really hoping that you are someone I can trust to be a good friend If you made a mistake it’s OK We’ll work it out No one is perfect
I look forward to your reply
<insert your name>

Requesting Information
Hi there <insert name of potential pen pal>!
My name is <insert your name> and I found your email address <insert wh ere you found their address> I read the information you left about yourself and I would like to learn more
First let me tell you a little bit about myself I am <insert your age> years old and live in <insert country name> My hobbies include <insert a short list of hobbies and/or interests> I attend <insert public private or home> school
You said you lived in <insert the name of your pals country> I don’t know a lot about that country Can you tell me a little bit about it? Do you celebrate special holidays? Do you have a favorite family tradition? What languages are spoken? What is like to go to school there?
I hope to hear from you soon You can reach me at <insert email address> and I will reply to you as soon as possible
Your Pal
<insert your name>

I’m Going On Holiday
Hi <insert name of pen pal
I just wanted to drop you a quick note I am going away on holiday I am going to <insert where you are going on holiday> I’m <insert really excited or sad I have to go> I will be back <insert the date you will be back home> I hope to be back online <insert date you hope to be online> I will email you on or a few days after that date
I will tell you everything when I get back Have a great time! I’ll be thinking of you
Your Pal
<insert your name>

I Can’t Be A Pen Pal Anymore
Hi <insert name of pen pal>
It is with deep sadness that I am writing to you today I will no longer be able to be online This means that I will not be able to carry on our online pen pal relationship
I am very sad about it and I am hoping that our parents can get together to see if maybe we can become regular post pals Would this interest you? I hope so! I’d hate to lose our friendship
Please write me a quick note either way
Please try to understand that this is hard for me You have been a good pal and I am sure you will find someone else to write too
I have really enjoyed being your pal
<insert your name