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 دانلود نمونه سوالات نیمسال دوم 93-94 پیام نور

 دانلود نمونه سوالات آزمونهای مختلف فراگیر پیام نور

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موضوع: Fun fact

  1. #1
    negar92 آواتار ها
    • 2,576

    عنوان کاربری
    باز نشسته بخش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2012
    شغل , تخصص
    دانشجو مترجمی زبان انگلیسی
    رشته تحصیلی
    مترجمی زبان انگلیسی
    راه های ارتباطی

    filish Fun fact

    fun facts

    put your fun facts in english here


    twenty nine percent of women spend more time shoping for shoes than they do looking for a life long mate


    men can read smaller print than women can;woman can hear better


    the yo-yo originated as a weapon in the philippine islands during the sixteenth century


    the mona lisa has no eyebrows.it was the fashion in renaissance florence


    take your height and divid by eight.that's how tall your head is!


    only humans shed emotional tears


    the microwwaves as invented after a research walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket!


    when glass braks,the cracks move at speeds of up to 3,000 miles per hour


    If you eat lots of carrots you'll start to turn orange


    woman have a better sense of smell than men

    طــــروات زندگـــی در جریان یادگیری است
    ذهن های بسته بوی مـــــرگ میدهند...


  2. #2
    negar92 آواتار ها
    • 2,576

    عنوان کاربری
    باز نشسته بخش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2012
    شغل , تخصص
    دانشجو مترجمی زبان انگلیسی
    رشته تحصیلی
    مترجمی زبان انگلیسی
    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    the human brain has the capacity to store everything that ou experience


    japan is the largest exporter of frog's legs


    the japanese , on average, are the shortest people


    smelling bananas and/or green apples(smelling,not eating)can help you lose weight


    alfred nobel invented dynamit in 1866


    the air at the summit of mount everest,29,029 feet is only a third as thick as the air at sea level


    shark's need to swim,or they will sink


    on average ,100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year


    the venom of a stonefish can kill a human in two hours


    chocolate is not particularly high in caffeine.you would have to eat ten chocolate bars to get the same amount of caffeine as yu find in a single cup of coffee

    طــــروات زندگـــی در جریان یادگیری است
    ذهن های بسته بوی مـــــرگ میدهند...


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