BHD -----Beachhead
BIC -----Bearer Identification Code
BTQ -----Beat To Quarters
BFO -----Beat-Frequency Oscillator
BPM -----Beats Per Minute
BWZ -----Beautiful White Zombie
BYV -----Beautiful Young Virgin
BNI -----"Bechtel National, Incorporated"
BNB -----Bed aNd Breakfast
BXB -----Bed and Breakfast
BIO -----Bedford Institute of Oceanography
BGQ -----Bee Gees Quarterly
BKQ -----BeeKeepers Quarterly magazine
BCE -----Before Common Era
BOY -----Beginning Of Year
BMN -----Behavioural Medicine & Neurotherapy Clinic
BZV -----Beleghafter Zahlungsverkehr
BFR -----Belgian FRanc
BVD -----Belgische Vereniging voor Documentatie
BEL -----Belgium
BZD -----Belize Dollar
BDN -----Bell Data Network
BDO -----Bell Data Network
BCI -----Belleville Collegiate Institute
BFC -----Belleville Flying Club
BGH -----Belleville General Hospital
BPW -----Belleville Public Works
BRF -----Below Rig Floor (Drilling Industry)
BKA -----Below the Knee Amputation
BTZ -----Below the Treatment Zone
BZE -----Below Zero Entertainment
BPZ -----Below-the-Primary Zone
BWK -----Belt Weather Kit
BSU -----Bench Scale Unit
BQX -----Bender Quadruplex
BNR -----Bengal Nagpur Railway
BHC -----Benzene Hexochloride
BEZ -----Benzoic Acid
BZM -----BenZoic acid phenylMethylester
BZT -----BenzoTriazole
ZYA -----Benzoyl-Tyrosine-Alanine-Methyl Ketone
BZQ -----Benzquinamide
BZP -----BenzylPiperazine
BDT -----Berkeley Design Technology
BFX -----Berkeley Festival and Exhibition
BQS -----Berkeley Quality Software
BUJ -----Berkeley Undergraduate Journal
BZC -----Berkeley Zen Center
BKO -----Berkelium Oxide
BYT -----Berkhamsted Youth Theatre
BXY -----Berkshire Crossed with Yorkshire
BIZ -----Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung
BSX -----Bermuda Stock Exchange
BJY -----Bernard Johnson Young (architects)
BIK -----Berner Institut fuer Kinesiologie
BQN -----Berufsqualifizierung fuer Nachwuchskraefte
BIQ -----"Beschaeftigung-, Industrieflaechenmanagement- und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft"
BQZ -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungs
BQG -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft
BAZ -----Best Atom Zeta (basis set)
BBY -----Best Boats Yachting
BEJ -----Best Engineering Judgement
BEB -----Best Ever Bottled
BFF -----Best Friends Forever
BPJ -----Best Professional Judgment
BXZ -----Beta Chi Zeta
BYX -----Beta Upsilon Chi
BQA -----Beta-test Questions and Answers
BQR -----Beta-test Questions and Responses
BUK -----Betrieblich Unterstuetzte Kinderbetreuung
BHG -----Better Homes and Gardens
BQO -----Better Quasi-Ordering
BTL -----Better Than Life
BKI -----"Bevilacqua-Knight, Inc. (technical consulting firm)"
BYD -----Beyond
BSR -----Beyond Sensor Range
BVR -----Beyond Visual Range
BXW -----Beyond Xtreme Wrestling
BZK -----Bezirkszahnaerztekammer
BJP -----Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian political party)
BKU -----Bharatiya Kisan Union
BIB -----bible
BUZ -----Biblioteca Universitaria de Zaragoza
BJZ -----Bibliothek des Japan-Zentrum
BKW -----Bibliothekskataloge Welt
BMX -----Bicycle Moto-cross(X)
BFQ -----Bid for Quotation
BZJ -----Bielzka Zadymka Jazzowa
BAD -----Big Audio Dynamite
BBT -----Big Bang Theory
BBW -----Big Beautiful Woman
BXF -----Big eXplosion Factory
BXG -----Big eXplosion Generator
BFM -----Big F***-off Manual
BFZ -----Big Fat Zero
BFD -----Big Freakin' Deal
BFH -----Big Freaking Hammer
BFG -----Big Friendly Giant
BFK -----Big Friendly Kiss
BGB -----Big Green Book
BMZ -----Big Movie Zone
BQD -----Big Question Dialogue
BUM -----Big Ugly Monster
BWX -----Big Wide eXpanse
BYG -----Big Yellow Gorilla
BYM -----Big Yoga Muffin (UK band)
BJQ -----"Big, Juicy and Quick"
BJG -----"Big, Juicy, Gorgeous"
BQY -----Bike Quads Youth
BHL -----Bilateral Hearing Loss
BQJ -----Bilateral Quarantine Judgment
BRJ -----Bilingual Research Journal
BOM -----Bill Of Materials
BBD -----Billboard
BJK -----Billie Jean King
BVC -----Billing Validation Center
BEV -----Billion ElectronVolts
BYA -----Billions of Years Ago
BIN -----Binary
BCW -----Binary Chemical Weapon
BCD -----Binary Coded Decimal
BCL -----Binary Coded Language
BIT -----Binary digIT
BXT -----Binary Expression Tree
BIX -----Binary Information eXchange
HQX -----Binhex (File Name Extension)
BNV -----"Binoculars, Night Viewing"
BOD -----Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BET -----Bio-Engineering Team
BGC -----Bio-Geochemical Cycling
BEW -----Biological Equivalent Weight
BWD -----Biological Warfare Defense
BLY -----Biology
BZG -----Biology-Zoology-Genetics
BIG -----Bionet Intelligent Gateway
BPB -----BIOS Parameter Block
BJT -----Bi-polar Junction Transistor
BPY -----bipyridine
BOW -----Birds Of War
BKC -----Birmingham Kennel Club
BWG -----Birmingham Wire Gauge
BTK -----Birth Through Knowledge
BID -----"bis in die (Latin, twice a day, prescription dosage) "
BGO -----Bismuth Germanium Oxide
BER -----Bit Error Rate
BKL -----Bit Keeper Linux
BRR -----Bit Rate Reduction
BTR -----Bit Transfer Rate
BZR -----Bit Zone Recording
BMP -----BitMaP format
BPI -----Bits Per Inch
BPP -----Bits Per Pixel
BPS -----Bits Per Second
BLK -----black
BBR -----Black Body Radiation
BVQ -----Black Voice Quarterly
BWL -----Black Women Lawyers
BCJ -----Blackberry Creek Journal
BYI -----Blackfeet Youth Initiative
BHY -----BlackRock High Yield Trust
BNO -----Bladder Neck Obstruction
BFA -----Blank Firing Attachment
BVM -----Blessed Virgin Mary
BCC -----Blind Carbon Copy
BRC -----Blind Rehabilitation Center
BZW -----Blizzard Warning
BDM -----Block Data Message
BHR -----Block Header Record
BIP -----Block Improvement Program
BSZ -----Block Store Zeros
BQV -----Blocked Quadratic Variance
BBM -----Blocking and Bracing Materials
BUN -----Blood Urea Nitrogen
BKX -----Bloodline Knowledge Exchange
BGD -----Bloody Good Discos
BEH -----Blue Eyed Hottie -----
BHH -----Blue Heaven Hackers -----
BQB -----Bluetooth Qualification Body -----
BOG -----Board Of Governors -----
BOV -----Board Of Visitors -----
BCQ -----Boat Crew Qualification -----
BJI -----Bob Jones University -----
BYQ -----Boca Youth Quarterly -----
BOK -----Body Of Knowledge -----
BPT -----Boiling Point -----
BWR -----Boiling Water (nuclear) Reactor -----Highway through New York City
BTF -----Bold TypeFace -----
BUH -----Boletin de la Universidad de Huelva -----
BOL -----Bolivia -----
BVL -----Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa -----
BBN -----"Bolt, Beranak, and Newman" -----
QZK -----Bolzano (Italy)
BRD -----Bomb Release Distance
BRL -----Bomb Release Line
BYH -----Bomb Your House
BDR -----BombaDieR
BXE -----Bombardment-induced X-ray Emission
BPF -----Bon Pour Francs (French: value in francs)
BVF -----Bon Vivant Foundation
BEY -----Bond Equivalent Yield
BOO -----Bond Order Orbital
BQW -----Bond Quantity Worksheet
BJB -----"Bond, James Bond"
BBF -----Bond-Bending Force
BBO -----Bonding Bond Orbital
BJM -----"Bones, Joints, Muscles"
BWE -----Bonneville Worldwide Entertainment
BIY -----Book Inside You
BCP -----Book of Common Prayer
BGL -----Boost Graph Library
BHX -----Boot Hill Express
BAH -----Booz-Allen and Hamilton
BXH -----Boran and Holstein
BXP -----Border Check Point
BGP -----Border Gateway Protocol
BVW -----Bordering Vegetated Wetland
BOF -----Boring Old Fart
BOR -----borough
BSQ -----Boson Second Quantization
BPL -----Boston Public Library
BSO -----Boston Symphony Orchestra
BLQ -----Both Lower Quadrants
BUE -----Both Upper Extremities
BUQ -----Both Upper Quadrants
BTM -----bottom
BLI -----Bottom Layer Insulation
BBH -----Bouncing Busy Hour
BND -----Bound
BPX -----Boundary Point of Exit
BJW -----Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers
BIV -----Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus
BJD -----Bovine Johne's Disease
BMV -----Bovine Maedi-like Virus
BSE -----Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
BVV -----Bovine Veins Virus
BZI -----Bowlers Journal International
BOX -----BOXcar (railroad)
BXV -----Boxventilator
BSA -----Boy Scouts of America
BXC -----Boys' Cross Country sports team
BOP -----Boy's Own Paper
BTJ -----Boys Town Jerusalem
BYN -----Brachyenteron
BFV -----Bradley Fighting Vehicle
BLP -----Bragg Light Profile
BHP -----Brake HorsePower
BDJ -----Branded Drunk Jiggalo
BBK -----Brauner-Briggs-Klar (Wave Function)
BZF -----Brazil Fund
BGX -----Brazil-Gulf Coast Export
BJJ -----Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
BFJ -----Bread For the Journey
BRK -----Break
BBP -----Break Bulk Point
BDV -----BreakDown Voltage
BKR -----Breaker
BEP -----Break-Even Point
BTB -----BreakThrough Bleeding
BTV -----BreakThrough Volume
BRP -----Breeder Reactor Program
BVY -----Breeding Value Yield
BUP -----Bremer Universal Player
BRG -----Bridge
BDX -----Bridge Data Exchange
BES -----Bridge Erection Set
BVB -----Bridge View Bancorp
BLE -----Bridged LAN Emulation
BGW -----Bridgehead GateWay
BTG -----Bridging The Gap
BDE -----BrigaDE
BGS -----Brigadier General Staff
BRA -----Brigadier Royal Artillery
BYU -----Brigham Young University
BKF -----Brighton Kite Festival
BVZ -----Brig-Visp-Zermatt
BLB -----Brillouin-Levy-Berthier (theorem)
BHA -----Brine Handling Area
BHN -----Brinell Hardness Number
BHT -----Brinell Hardness Test
BAB -----Bring A Bottle
BUG -----Bring Up Grades
BYE -----Bring Your Enemies
BYO -----Bring Your Own
BYR -----Bring Your Reefers
BYY -----Bring Your Young'uns
BZO -----Brinzolamide
BKB -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands
KBK -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands
BMY -----Bristol-Myers
BWW -----Brit WorldWide
BZL -----Britannia Zinc Limited
BAE -----British AErospace
BAF -----British Air Force
BAA -----British Astronomical Association
BBC -----British Broadcasting Corporation
BCM -----British Commercial Monomark
BCN -----British Commonwealth of Nations
BCS -----British Computer Society
BCF -----British Cycling Federation
BDA -----British Diabetic Association
BDH -----British Drug House
BGY -----British Energy
BEA -----British Epilepsy Association
BEF -----British Expeditionary Force
BFI -----British Film Institute
UKX -----British Financial Times 100 Index
BHF -----British Heart Foundation
BHS -----British Home Stores
IOT -----British Indian Ocean Territory (086) ISO 3-letter country code
BIF -----British Industries Fair
BIM -----British Institute of Management
BIR -----British Institute of Radiology
BJN -----British Journal of Nursing
BJO -----British Journal of Ophthalmology
BJR -----British Journal of Radiology
BJC -----British Junior Chamber
BKK -----British Karate Kyokushinkai
BLG -----British Light Gun (M119)
BMA -----British Medical Association
BMC -----British Medical Council
BMJ -----British Medical Journal
BMH -----British Military Hospital
BMM -----British Military Mission
BNG -----British National Grid
BNP -----British National Party
BNX -----British Nuclear Executives
BNF -----British Nuclear Fuels
BNJ -----British Numismatic Journal
BOA -----British Olympic Association
BOU -----British Ornithologists Union
BOC -----British Oxygen Company
BPC -----British Pharmaceutical Codex
BQF -----British Quality Foundation
BRM -----British Racing Motors
BRS -----British Road Services
BSM -----British School of Motoring
BSY -----British School of Yoga
BSL -----British Sign Language
BSH -----British Society of Hypnotherapists
BSW -----British Standard Whitworth (type of screw thread)
BSI -----British Standards Institution
BST -----British Summer Time
BTX -----British Telecom eXchange
BTA -----British Theatre Association
BTU -----British Thermal Unit
BTC -----British Transport Commission
BVJ -----British Veterinary Journal
BVA -----British Vetinary Association
BVI -----British Virgin Islands
BWM -----British War Medal
BWI -----British West Indies (historical)
BWY -----British Wheel of Yoga
BWF -----British Woodworking Federation
BYJ -----British Youth Journal
BYS -----British Youth Science
BZA -----British Zeolite Association
BKP -----Broad Key Panel
BWN -----Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory
BFW -----Broadband Fixed Wireless
BBI -----BroadBand Interactive
BXM -----Broadband Switch Module
BGT -----Broadcast and Group Translators
BCB -----Broadcast Band
BTS -----Broadcast Technology Society (IEEE)
BPG -----Broadcasting Press Guild
BKN -----Broken
BZB -----Broken Zone Boundary
BPO -----Broker Price Opinion
BXN -----Bromoxynil
BPD -----Bronco Pulmonary Dysplasia
BRX -----Bronx
BXS -----Bronx X-ray Server
BCZ -----Brown City Zoo
BRW -----"Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. "
BUO -----Brown University Orchestra
BHO -----Browser Helper Object
BTN -----Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
BJX -----Bubble Jet Excellence
BRV -----Bubble Release Vacuum
BKT -----Bucket
BUX -----Budapest Stock Index
BUW -----Budapest Uralic Workshop
BUD -----Budget
BFS -----Budget and Forecasting System
BEG -----Budget Estimate Guidance
BFY -----Budget Fiscal Year
BSK -----Budo Studien Kreis
BVU -----Buena Vista University
ZXS -----Buffalo
BLH -----Buffalo Lake-Hector Schools
BFL -----Buffered Field-effect-transistor Logic
BEM -----Bug Eyed Monster
BYF -----Build Your Future
BEO -----Building Emergency Organization
BJL -----Building Jewish Life
BQU -----Building Quota Unit
BRY -----Building Rugged Youth
BUA -----Built-Up Area
ZZH -----"Bukulan Island, Papua New Guinea"
BDY -----Bulgarian Democratic Youth
BAW -----Bulk Acoustic Wave
BEK -----Bulk Encryption Key
BXL -----Bulk Explosives Limited
BML -----Bulk Material Length
BHI -----Bullet Hit Indicator
BPK -----Bullet Polisher Kit
BUL -----bulletin
BBX -----Bulletin Board eXchange
BBS -----Bulletin Board System
BVK -----Bundesverdienstkreuz
BDL -----bundle
BNQ -----Bureau de Normalisation du Qubc
BIH -----Bureau international de l'heure (French
BNM -----Bureau National de Metrologie
BXA -----Bureau of Export Administration
BIA -----Bureau of Indian Affairs
BJA -----Bureau Of Justice Assistance
BJS -----Bureau of Justice Statistics
BLM -----Bureau of Land Management
BNE -----Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement
BRH -----Bureau Of Radiological Health
BTD -----Bureau of Telecommunications Development (of the ITU)
BVS -----Bureau of Vital Statistics
BVN -----Bureau Voucher Number
BUR -----buried
BAX -----Burlington Air eXpress
BFU -----Burst-Forming Unit
BUC -----Bus Unit Controller
BUI -----Bus Unit Interface
BUS -----Business
BEN -----Business And Educational Network
BAU -----Business As Usual
BXI -----Business Exchange International
BXJ -----Business Expansion Journal
BEX -----Business EXpress
BGG -----Business Generator Group
BIJ -----Business Ink Jet printer
BKH -----Business Know How
BMQ -----Business Migration Questionnaire
BON -----Business Object Notation
BQC -----Business Quality Control
BRZ -----Business Revitalization Zone
BVX -----Business ValueXpress
BUY -----Businesses by Urban Youth
BGR -----Businesses Getting Results
BZY -----Busy
BHM -----Busy Hour Minute
BLF -----Busy Line Field
BLV -----Busy Line Verification
BKM -----Butt Kicking Mode
BUB -----Butt Ugly Babe
BAY -----Buy Another Yearly
BNS -----Buyer No Seller
BVO -----Buyer Value Option
BPQ -----Buying Power Quota
BWQ -----Buzz Word Quotient
BTW -----by the way
BYL -----By Your Leave
BFN -----Bye For Now
BYP -----Bypass