Essential of a valid contract
General requirements
The essential element of a valid contract in each system will be briefly identified.
ضروريات يك قرارداد معتبر
شرايط عمومي
عناصر ضروري يك قراردادمعتبر در هر سيستمي دقيقا" مشخص شده است
English law
The requirements for a valid contract under English law are:
Agreement between the parties usually expressed in terms of offer and acceptance
Intention to creat legal relations
Capacity of the parties
حقوق انگليس
شرايط مورد نياز براي يك قرارداد معتبر در حقوق انگليس عبارتند از :
1-توافق بين دو طرف كه معمولا" به صورت ايجاب وقبول بيان مي شوند.
2-قصد براي آفريدن روابط قانوني
3-توانايي دو طرف
French law
Art .1108 of the code civil also lays down four conditions as being essential to the validity of an agreement:
Consent of the party who places himself under an obligation
Capacity to contract
Un object which is certain and which forms the subject matter of thhe agreement
Une cause which is legal
حقوق فرانسه
ماده 1108قانون مدني همچنين چهار شرط را كه براي اعتبار قرارداد ضروري است مشخص مي كند :
1-رضايت طرف معامله كسي كه مورد التزام قرار مي گيرد
2-توانايي(اهليت) ايجاد قرارداد
3-چيزي كه مشخص است وموضوع توافق ومعامله را تشكيل مي دهد
4- مشروعيت جهت معامله
German law
Consent of the parties expressed by means of their declaration of will (willenserkarung) which correspond with each other
Capacity of the parties
Possibility.the contract must not have been objectively impossible of performance at the time when it was conclded
حقوق آلمان
1-التزام دو طرف به وسيله اظهاراتي كه با ديگري انجام مي شود
2-اهليت دو طرف
3- امكان اجرا : هنگام انعقاد عقد نبايد انجام قرارداد غير ممكن باشد.