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موضوع: Olivertwist

  1. #1
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    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
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    Jul 2009
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    پیش فرض Olivertwist

    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  2. #2
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
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    Jul 2009
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy's Progress (commonly known as Oliver Twist) (1838) is Charles Dickens' second novel. It is about a boy named Oliver Twist, who escapes from an workhouse and meets a gang of pickpocketers in London. The novel is one of Dickens's most well-known works, and has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations.
    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  3. #3
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
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    پیش فرض


    Oliver Twist is the first novel in the English language to centre throughout on a child protagonist[1] and is also notable for Dickens's unromantic portrayal of criminals and their sordid lives.[2] The book also exposed the cruel treatment of many a waif-child in London, which increced international concern in what is sometimes known as "The Great London Waif Crisis." This was the astounding number of orphans in London in the Dickens era. The book's subtitle, The Parish Boy's Progress alludes to Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress and also to a pair of popular 18th-century caricature series by William Hogarth, "A Rake's Progress" and "A Harlot's Progress".[3]
    An early example of the social novel, the book calls the public's attention to various contemporary evils, including the Poor Law that stated that poor people should work in workhouses/poorhouses, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals. Dickens mocks the hypocrisies of the time by surrounding the novel's serious themes with sarcasm and dark humour. The novel may have been inspired by the story of Robert Blincoe, an orphan whose account of his hardships as a child labourer in a cotton mill was widely read in the 1830s. Obviously, Dickens's own early youth—he was vulnerable, and a child labourer—must have also entered.
    Oliver Twist has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations, and is the basis for a highly successful musical play and the multi Academy Award winning motion picture Oliver!.
    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  4. #4
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض


    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  5. #5
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
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    شغل , تخصص
    مدرس زبان انگلیسی
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    The book was originally published in Bentley's Miscellany as a serial, in monthly instalments that began appearing in the month of February 1837 and continued through April 1839. It was originally intended to form part of Dickens's serial The Mudfog Papers.[4][5][6] It did not appear as its own monthly serial until 1846. George Cruikshank provided one steel etching per month to illustrate each installment.[7] The first novelization appeared six months before the serialization was completed. It was published in three volumes by Richard Bentley, the owner of Bentley's Miscellany, under the author's pseudonym, "Boz" and included 24 steel-engraved plates by Cruikshank.
    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  6. #6
    فرناز آواتار ها
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    Workhouse and first jobs

    Oliver Twist is born into a life of poverty and misfortune in a workhouse in an unnamed town (although when originally published in Bentley's Miscellany in 1837 the town was called Mudfog and said to be within 75 miles north of London). Orphaned almost from his first breath by his mother’s death in childbirth and his father’s unexplained absence, Oliver is meagerly provided for under the terms of the Poor Law, and spends the first eight years of his life at a baby farm in the 'care' of a woman named Mrs. Mann. Along with other juvenile offenders against the poor laws, Oliver is brought up with little food and few comforts. Around the time of the orphan’s ninth birthday, Mr. Bumble, a parish beadle, removes Oliver from the baby farm and puts him to work picking oakum at the main workhouse (the same one where his mother worked before she died). Oliver, who toils with very little food, remains in the workhouse for six months, until the desperately hungry boys decide to draw lots; the loser must ask for another portion of gruel. The task falls to Oliver, who at the next meal tremblingly comes forward, bowl in hand, and makes his famous request: "Please, sir, I want some more."
    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  7. #7
    فرناز آواتار ها
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  8. #8
    فرناز آواتار ها
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
    محل تحصیل
    شغل , تخصص
    مدرس زبان انگلیسی
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    A great uproar ensues. The board of well-fed gentlemen who administer the workhouse, while eating a meal fit for a mighty king, offer five pounds to any person wishing to take on the boy as an apprentice. A brutal chimney sweep almost claims Oliver, but, when he begs despairingly not to be sent away with "that dreadful man" a kindly old magistrate refuses to sign the indentures. Later, Mr. Sowerberry, an undertaker employed by the parish, takes Oliver into his service. He treats Oliver better, and, because of the boy's sorrowful countenance, uses him as a mourner, at children's funerals. However, Mr. Sowerberry is in an unhappy marriage, and his wife takes an immediate dislike to Oliver – primarily because her husband seems to like him – and loses few opportunities to underfeed and mistreat him. He also suffers torment at the hands of Noah Claypole, an oafish but bullying fellow apprentice who is jealous of Oliver's promotion to mute, and Charlotte, the Sowerberry's maidservant, who is in love with Noah.
    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  9. #9
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
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    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    One day, in an attempt to bait Oliver, Noah insults the orphan’s late mother, calling her "a regular right-down bad 'un". Oliver flies into an unexpected passion, attacking and even besting the much bigger boy. Mrs. Sowerberry takes Noah's side, helps him subdue Oliver, punches and beats Oliver, and later compels her husband and Mr. Bumble, who has been sent for in the aftermath of the fight, into beating Oliver again. Once Oliver is sent to his room for the night, he does something that he hadn't done since babyhood - breaks down and weeps. Alone that night, Oliver finally decides to run away. He wanders aimlessly for a time, until a well-placed milestone sets his wandering feet towards London.
    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

  10. #10
    فرناز آواتار ها
    • 1,985

    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته تالار زبان و ادبيات انگلیسی
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2009
    محل تحصیل
    شغل , تخصص
    مدرس زبان انگلیسی
    رشته تحصیلی
    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    The Artful Dodger and Fagin

    آرزوهایت را روی کاغذ بنویس و یکی یکی از خدا بخواه خدا فراموش نمی کند اما تو یادت می رود آنچه که امروز داری آرزوی دیروز تو بوده است!!!

صفحه 1 از 3 123 آخرینآخرین

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