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نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 7 از مجموع 7

موضوع: اصول و مبانی نظری ترجمه(Meaning based translation)

  1. #1
    O M I D آواتار ها
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
    راه های ارتباطی

    filish اصول و مبانی نظری ترجمه(Meaning based translation)

    Chapter 1 form and meaning Translation, by dictionary, consists of changing from one state or form to another, to turn into one’s or another’s language. Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs.These forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language. The purpose of this text is to show that translation consists of translating the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure It is the meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Translation consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure communication situation, and cultural context of source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language.The sentence “I feel sleepy” is translated “kajang pujawai” [My sleep lives] in Aguaruna and “teng” sueno [I have sleep] in Spanish. The three languages use different grammatical forms.The sentence “I feel sleepy” is translated “kajang pujawai” [My sleep lives] in Aguaruna and “teng” sueno [I have sleep] in Spanish. The three languages use different grammatical forms. a) uses the normal language forms of the receptor language, b) communicates, as much as possible to the receptor language speakers the same meaning that was understood by the speakers of the original source text means that the translation is presented in such a way that it will evoke the same response as the source text attempted to evoke. Characteristics of language which affect translation: First, meaning components are packaged in to lexical items, but they are packaged differently in one language than in another. In most language there is a meaning component of plurality, for example the English-S. This often occurs in the grammar as a suffix on the nouns or verbs. Second, it is characteristic of language that the same meaning component will occur in several surface structure lexical items. In English, the word sleep occurs. However, the word lamb, ram, and ewe also include the meaning sleep. Third, it is further characteristic of languages that one form will be used to represent several alternative meanings.For example there are 54 meanings in English for “run”. This principle is not limited to lexical items since the same grammatical pattern may express several quite different meanings.For example, the English possessive phrase “my house’ may mean “the house I own”, the house I rent”, “the house I live in”, “the house I built”.A question form may be used for a non question. For example the question “Mary, why don’t you wash the dishes?” may in some context be asking for in formation. But it is often used with the meaning of command or suggestion. Also signle meaning may be expressed in a variety of forms. For example the meaning “the cat is black”, may be expressed by the following: “the cat is black”, “the black cat”, “the cat which is black”, depending on how that meaning relates to other meanings. Only when a form is being used in its primary meaning is there a one-to-one correlation between form and meaning. The other meanings are secondary or figurative meanings.This characteristic of skewing that is the diversity or the lack of one-to-one correlation between form and meaning is the basic reason that translation is a complicated task.If there were no skewing literal word-for-word and grammatical structure-for-grammatical structure translation would be possible. But each language has its own distinctive forms to represent meaning . A word-for-word translation which follows closely the form of the source language is called literal translation. The goal of a translator should be to produce a receptor language. text which is idiomatic; that is one which has the same meaning as the source language but is expressed in the natural form of the receptor language.
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    O M I D آواتار ها
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    عنوان کاربری
    مدير بازنشسته
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    Chapter 2

    Kind of translation
    There are two main kinds of translation: one is form-based and the other is meaning based. Form based translation attempts to follow the form. of the source language and are known as literal translations. Meaning based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural form. In modified literal translation translator modifies the order and grammar to use acceptable sentence structure in the receptor language. But lexical items are translated literally. Literal translations of words, idioms, figures of speech, etc, result in unclear, unnatural, and some times nonsensical translations. Idiomatic translation use the natural. Forms of the receptor language both in the grammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. Unduly free translations are not considered acceptable translations for most purposes. Translations are unduly free if they add extraneous information not in the source text, if they change the meaning of the source languages, or if they distort facts of the historical and cultural setting of source language text.Unduly free translations are made for purposes of humor, or to bring about a special response from the receptor language speakers.
    Unduly free translations are made for purposes of humor, or to bring about a special response from the receptor language speakers. In English “we” sometimes means “you”. Idiom means string of words whose meaning is different from the meaning conveyed by the individual words like “bullheaded” means “stubborn”. Names of animals used metaphorically in languages. For translation, we must use adjustment. Pig has different metaphoric meaning, in different languages like gready eater, drunk, immoral, stupid person
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  3. #3
    O M I D آواتار ها
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    مدير بازنشسته
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    Chapter 3

    The semantic structure of language
    There is a distinction between deep (semantic) structure and the surface structure (grammatical, lexical, phonological) structure of language.Semantic structure is more nearly universal than grammatical structure. All languages have meaning components which can be classified as things, Events, Attributes or Relations for example. Semantic propositions occur in all languages. They consist of concepts related to one another with an Event, Thing, or Attribute as the central concept. For example in the sentence: “John hits the ball” John is agent, ball is affected and hits is activity. In semantic structure ordering is chornological. Classification and number of word classes depends on distribution.The smallest unit in the semantic structure is a meaning component. Meaning components group together to form concepts. Concepts classified into four principles, Things, Attributes, Events, Relations.Meaning components of “boy”: Human being, Male, Young. Relationship between semantic structure and grammar: thing: noun, pronoun; Event: verb; Attribute: adjective, adverb; Relation: conjunction, preposition, particle, enclitics . In “I heared John’s call” call is noun but semantically is Event. Without skewing between semantic and grammatical structure we have: meaning component … morpheme (roots and affixes) Concept … word; complex concept (concept cluster) … phrase; proposition … clause; propositional cluster … sentence; semantic paragraph … paragraph; episode … section; episode cluster … division semantic part … part; discourse … text .One distinction between meaning and form is that speaker can exercise choice on meaning. But since form is mechanical component of meaning speaker has no choice on it.The meaning which is chosen will be influenced by the communication situation, like by who the speaker is, who the audience is, the tradition of the culture, age, gender, etc. Every sentence communicates information and emotions of the source language. Before form is chosen from the possibilities in the surface structure, sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic matters must be
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  4. #4
    O M I D آواتار ها
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    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
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    پیش فرض

    Chapter 4

    Implicit meaning Kinds of meaning: people usually think of meaning as something that a word or sentence refers to for example the word apple refers to a fruit. This kind of meaning is called referential meaning because the word refers to a certain things, events, attribution, or relation which a person can perceive or imagine. A sentence has meaning because it refers to something that happened, or may happen, or is imagined as happening. Referential meaning is what the communication is about. As referential meaning packaged into larger and larger units there is organizational meaning in the discourse, which must also be taken into account in the translation. Certain information may be old information, some new; certain information may be the topic of the discourse, other information commenting on the topic, and some information may be more central to the message; that is more important. It is the organizational meaning that puts the referential information together into a coherent text. Organizational meaning signaled by deictics, respetition, grouping .The message is produced in a given communication situation. The relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee will affect the communication. Where the communication takes place.The message is produced in a given communication situation. The relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee will affect the communication. Where the communication takes place. For example, the very same person may be referred to as John, Mr.Smith, Profferssor Smith, etc., depending on the situation. This choice carries situational meaning. It may indicate whether the situation is formal or informal. Implicit and explicit information: when people write or speak the amount of information included in the text will depend on the amount of shared information that already exists between the speaker and the addressee. When we talk about something we leave out some of the information because the addressee already knows these facts. In every text that one may translate there will be information which is implicit, it is not stated in an explicit form in the text itself. Some information or meaning is left implicit because of the structure of the source language; some because it has already been included elsewhere in the text, and some because of shared information in the communication situation. Explicit information is the information which is overtly stated by lexical items and grammatical forms. It is part of the surface structure. All three kinds of meaning may be either explicit or implicit. Implicit referential meaning: For example, if someone asks “How many people come?” the person asked may answer, “Ten”. In this context it is clear that “ten” means “Ten people came”. The reference to “people” and “came” is left implicit in the answer. Number must be made explicit in English, but in many languages it can be left implicit. The sentence “Help will come” has no subject or object (the agent and affected are implicit). But it can be “some one will come and he will help us” implicit information causes ambiguities. For example, “the shooting of the hunters” is ambiguous in English. Implicit information and organizational meaning. A text is a unit. It is organized in some logical way. It is characterized by cohesion, continuity, grouping and patterns of prominence.There is flow of old and new information, redundancy which helps signal the unity. For example, in the Hebrew the description of creation in Genesis I uses the explicit name of God thirty-two times in this rather short text. But in other languages God, would need to be left implicit after one introduction in the text.Pronouns would be used in some languages to retain a part of the meaning, but in some languages only verb affixes indicating third person would occur.No information is lost, it is simply mode implicit some languages use passive constructions to indicate focus. By using a possive construction some of the meaning is left implicit. Since the agent need not be indicated. For example, “the school was founded in 1902” might be used to put the shool in focus but to do this, the information of who founded the school has to be left implicit. The information left implicit is referential but it is left implicit to signal organizational meaning.In Aguaruna the organizational meaning of focus would need to be indicated by special suffix on word “school” marking focus. Less explicit forms are often used to signal organizational meaning.For example, pronouns, proverbs, and other substitute words are less explicit than the nouns and verbs which they refer to. Implicit situational meaning: information which is left implicit when talking to another. A woman might say to her husband “Peter is sick”. In reporting the same information to the doctor, she would say, “My son Peter is sick” Or “my son is sick”. Often in normal conversation there is much which is going on in the situation which makes it possible to understand exactly what is meant without using many words. For example mother, seeing her child about to put his hand in the fire cries out, “No”! The child understand the message “Don’t put your hand in fire”. In a different situation “No” might mean something very different. It is quite possible for a person from one culture to read story written about a happening in another culture and not understand the story at all because so much information is left implicit. The translator does not want to add information which is not part of the text he is translating. There is a difference between implicit information and one which is simply absent and never intended to be part of communication.For instance, in the example “my son peter is sick”; mother did not say, “Peter has brow hair and is ten years old”. This is not implicid. It is absent
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    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
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    پیش فرض

    Chapter 5
    Steps in a translation project

    Steps in translation summarized under four T`s , the text the target , the team , and the tools. The text refers to the source language document which must be translated .The desirability of translating a particular text must be determined. Most often the reason for translation is to communicate certain information or share the enjoyment of the source text .The target refers to the audience. The form of the translation will be affected by question of dialect, education level, age bilingualism, and people`s attitudes towards their language .Will translation be used in school, in business, or read in church and at home ? The question of alphabet is important team refers to people who involved in the project.The team includes (1) co-translators, specialist in receptor language or (2) translator with capability to handle source language and receptor language matter and an advisor or consultant (3) a committee working together with specific responsibilities delegated to each one . The team may include the translators a consultant , testers , reviewers and technical people to do typing and proof reading . Tools refer to written source material which used by translators as helps . These include dictionaries lexicon , grammar , cultural descriptions , etc . of both source language and receptor language which are available .Exegesis used to refer to process of discovering meaning of the source language text which to be translated . It is the step which includes the preparation and analysis of text .Translator must begin by reading text several times , then by reading other materials that help in understanding the culture of text . The analysis of the source text includes some aspects.The process of analysis include resolving ambiguity, identifying implicit information, studying key words, interpreting figurative senses recognizing when words are being used in a secondary senses .After analysis, the translator begins drafting piece by piece, section by section. The transfer results in the initial draft which can be made by two processes. Some translator prefer rough translation making the material flows naturally. Then they go back tighten up details to be sure there is no wrong information, and no omission or addition. Others prefer to prepare a proposition _ like semantic draft being sure all information is accounted for and then reward it for naturalness, reword it in idiomatic form of receptor language .The process of translation is accuracy, clearness and naturalness. The questions to be answered are
    (1) does translation communicate same meaning as source language?
    (2) does audience understand it clearly?
    (3) Is translation easy and natural to read? Help for evaluation must be mother _ tongue speaker of receptor language and check for no addition, deletion or change of information. Some matters may need special testing before final draft. If publication is to include pictures, these will need evaluation. If special size of print is required it must be tested
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    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2010
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    پیش فرض

    Chapter 6

    Words as Bundles of meaning

    Word is bundle of meaning components . The translator needs to be able to analyze the lexical items ; to unpack words in order to show meaning. Concept is represented by word, morpheme, idiomatic expression, or by tone or by word order. Concepts are identified on the principle of contrast and comparison with in system of language. Reality is conceptualized differently in different communities.
    The phenomenon of reality around us are bundled together differently by different communities and labeled (given a name, i.e _lexicalized). Some words are made up of more than one concept.
    Central concept of “runner” is person (Thing) and the concept run (Event) serves to define person . The combining of a number of meaning into single word reflects principle of language economy.

    For pastoral culture one word may mean “taking care of at night”. Sometimes it is necessary to translate one word of source language by several words in receptor language. English word “sad” is translated in to Aguarana as “stomach being _ broken feeling”.
    Skewing of classification: The same form can be used as to different parts of speech, like blue in blue sky and sky blue. The skewing between semantic class and parts of speech occurs in English word “knowledge” which is a noun but is based on the Event concept .
    The reason for skewing is avoiding uninteresting and monotonous text and making topic (topics must be noun). Restatement is the process of unpacking the semantic structure of a word
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    تاریخ عضویت
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    Chapter 7

    Some relationships between lexical items

    Generic term is a class word, the meaning of which is founded in two or more different words which are specific: “animal” is generic and “sheep” is specific .
    Some words may occur in several levels, like “man” which is generic and specific. Generic word used in translation. “Wolf” can be translated animal (generic) and descriptive phrase (wild). Substitute word refers to word already introduced to the context, like car for Plymouth and thing for car.
    Pronouns and proverbs are of this type. Synonyms are similar in meaning . There will be sets of words which are synonyms in their nuclear meaning which contain certain additional positive or negative overtone like fat, plump and chubby . The antonym of a word is exact opposite or contrast in some particular part of it's meaning, like short and tall. Opposites are kind of antonym like, much and little. Most language also have sets of words which are the reciprocal of one another. For example, the words “give” and “receive” have reciprocal relationship to one another
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