“How to manage large classes”
S.Rokni, English teacher of Azarm preparatory Center
Abstract :
Is enlarging the class size a valid solution to the shortage of personnel and material resources ?How to maintain quality with reduced resources through examples and guidelines? What problems are associated with the teaching of English in large classes? What strategies can the teachers in large classes adopt to cope with these problems?This essay full or examples from many different discipline and helps many teachers who would face the challenges of the large classes. Apart from the many commonly held disadvantages,are there any advantages of teaching English in large classes
Key words:
Advantages and disadvantages of large classes –Tips plagiarism- disciplines- Physical , psychological and technical problems of large classes-Mixed abilities -share ideas. Collegues
How to effectively teach large classes has long been of concern to all English teaching departments.
Class size negatively affecting the quality of teaching and instructor effectiveness.This is particularly important because most division classes are over fifty students and the instructor affected the quality of classes more than did class size.It may surprise many teachers to know that classes rated best by students tended to be a little larger than the worst rated classes
When does class size" Make a Difference" ? Results have often been mixed , with some methods of instruction favoring small classes and other methods being as or more effective in large classes.
Large classes are as effective as small classes when the goals involve learning factual information and comprehending that information. When traditional achievement tests are used to measure learning , large classes compare well with smaller classes that have been found more effective when instructional goals involve higher level cognitive skills including application, analysis , and synthesis.Smaller classes provide for greater contact between students and teachers , which appears to be most needed for students with low motivation,those with little knowledge of the subject matter ,or those who have difficulty grasp in conceptual material. Smaller classes are also more effective than large ones in affecting student attitudes.In sum, the optimal size of a class depends on the instructional goals being pursued
The main advantage smaller classes have over larger ones is that they provide students with greater opportunities for interaction with subject matter, with the professor and with one another. Here are some suggestions that seem appear on nearly every list of large class “how to`s people” have varying opinions on how “large” the number of students should be in a so called “large” class. There can be no quantitative definition of what constitutes a “large class”, as perceptions of this will vary from context to context
However , most English teachers generally agree that a language class with 50-60 or more is “large” enough. Now this essay tries to give some advice on how to deal with a relatively large number of students in a class, what are the difficulties faced by teachers, and kind of activities are more suitable for such classes?
Physical layout
- check out the room in advance.
- Test the projection of your voice in the room
- What equipment do you need to order?
- Can your materials be seen from the back of the room?
- Be prepared in case the technology fails.