 تعرفه تبلیغات

 دانلود نمونه سوالات نیمسال دوم 93-94 پیام نور

 دانلود نمونه سوالات آزمونهای مختلف فراگیر پیام نور

نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 2 از مجموع 2

موضوع: The Night of Forest

  1. #1
    Intellectual آواتار ها
    • 104

    عنوان کاربری
    کاربر باشگاه
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2013
    محل تحصیل
    Wizardry School
    شغل , تخصص
    Mind Reading & Exorcism
    رشته تحصیلی
    Extrasensory Perception
    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض The Night of Forest

    A Cool Topic, these are mine:

    The Night of Forest

    Dancing darkness in the forest night is so divine
    until the wimpy creatures are on sleep and the sun in decline

    The howling wolves are the guardians of night
    Their gazing eyes haunt the forest and keep the darkness bright

    A frost ups from the earth and the trees come to talk
    The whispering trees summon fallen angels and the party is about to start

    But, the sun strikes the night far away across the sea and divides the night
    Angels are now running away to the skies to find some darkness and unchain their definite right!l

  2. #2
    Intellectual آواتار ها
    • 104

    عنوان کاربری
    کاربر باشگاه
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2013
    محل تحصیل
    Wizardry School
    شغل , تخصص
    Mind Reading & Exorcism
    رشته تحصیلی
    Extrasensory Perception
    راه های ارتباطی

    پیش فرض

    In the world of joy and sorrow, when the joy betrayed and walked away
    the prince of our tragic story, took his last breathes and whispered

    my tearfilled eyes are shut, my fingers are numb
    the winter inside me is getting cumbersome

    the snow is falling, I am being buried inside
    there is no brighness, the color just comes from the dark side

    I want to escape from this struggling
    but found nothing warm worth trying

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