04-21-2009, 06:38 PM
امروزه نصب ويندوز XP براي كاربران اعم از سيستمهاي خانگي يا كاربران اينترنت و اپراتورهاي رايانه و مديران شبكه يك امر حياتي است كه نياز به اين دارند كه ويندوز را به بهترين وضعيت نصب نمايند و يا ممكن است خود شما در نصب Windows XP ترس ودلهره داشته باشيد اما ديگر نگران نباشيد با نرم افزار XP Simulation شما نصب يك ويندوز را تجربه مي كنيد , نصب اين نرم افزار شما يك با تمام مراحلي كه در زمان نصب ويندوز با آن مواجه خواهيد شد را مرور ميكنيد كه براي شما آموزشي بسيار خوب خواهد بود.
Windows XP Setup Simulator is a program that teaches you how to install Windows XP, without having to worry you will mess up your hardware or software. It just simulates installing Windows XP as if it was the real setup. It reproduces every step exactly as it is in the real setup, and it does not restart your computer. This program can also be used as a guide for learning how to install Windows 2003, because the steps are very similar. The package also includes an e-book that explains every step of the Windows XP Setup and some other Windows XP Basics
دانلود نرم افزار - 1210 كيلوبايت (http://www.pnu-club.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdl.pcmoj.com%2Fsof tware%2FXP%2520Simulation.zip)
Windows XP Setup Simulator is a program that teaches you how to install Windows XP, without having to worry you will mess up your hardware or software. It just simulates installing Windows XP as if it was the real setup. It reproduces every step exactly as it is in the real setup, and it does not restart your computer. This program can also be used as a guide for learning how to install Windows 2003, because the steps are very similar. The package also includes an e-book that explains every step of the Windows XP Setup and some other Windows XP Basics
دانلود نرم افزار - 1210 كيلوبايت (http://www.pnu-club.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdl.pcmoj.com%2Fsof tware%2FXP%2520Simulation.zip)