02-23-2010, 11:22 PM
JalaliJSCalendar :: JavaScript DHTML Calendar
JalaliJSCalendar is a JavaScript DHTML Calendar that is based on "Dynarch DHTML Calendar" from "Mihai Bazon".
The main difference between two is that JalaliJSCalendar supports Persian (Hijri Shamsi) Calendar too, that is the official iranian calendar and there is also some bug fixes in it.
JalaliJSCalendar is free and open source and released under the terms of GPL (GNU General Public License).
JalaliJSCalendar Features
Supports both Gregorian and Jalali Calendars.
The look is customizable through external CSS
High quality color themes
Keyboard navigation
Can show days from adjacent months
Can show week numbers
Translated into many languages
Any day can be “the first day of week”
The default “first day of week” can be configured in the language file
One can easily jump back or forward with 24 years
Provides help hints (also configurable)
Includes an optional time selector with 1 minute resolution
Special days (configurable list of days that are displayed differently)
Allows multiple days selection
Fast and very easy to setup
Supported browsers
Internet Explorer 5.0+ for Windows
Mozilla, Netscape 7.x, Mozilla FireFox (any platform)
Other Gecko-based browsers (any platform)
Konqueror 3.2+ for Linux
Apple Safari for Macintosh and Windows
Opera 7+ (any platform
JalaliJSCalendar is a JavaScript DHTML Calendar that is based on "Dynarch DHTML Calendar" from "Mihai Bazon".
The main difference between two is that JalaliJSCalendar supports Persian (Hijri Shamsi) Calendar too, that is the official iranian calendar and there is also some bug fixes in it.
JalaliJSCalendar is free and open source and released under the terms of GPL (GNU General Public License).
JalaliJSCalendar Features
Supports both Gregorian and Jalali Calendars.
The look is customizable through external CSS
High quality color themes
Keyboard navigation
Can show days from adjacent months
Can show week numbers
Translated into many languages
Any day can be “the first day of week”
The default “first day of week” can be configured in the language file
One can easily jump back or forward with 24 years
Provides help hints (also configurable)
Includes an optional time selector with 1 minute resolution
Special days (configurable list of days that are displayed differently)
Allows multiple days selection
Fast and very easy to setup
Supported browsers
Internet Explorer 5.0+ for Windows
Mozilla, Netscape 7.x, Mozilla FireFox (any platform)
Other Gecko-based browsers (any platform)
Konqueror 3.2+ for Linux
Apple Safari for Macintosh and Windows
Opera 7+ (any platform