08-21-2009, 12:47 AM
این برای ورژن 2008 هم هست اموزش نصبش هم توشه به هزار بدبختی تو فروم عربها پیداش کردم
RenderMan Pro Server includes all the tools required for rendering images for film and video productions. RenderMan Pro Server is able to turn any server or artist desktop into a rendering machine.
RenderMan Pro Server includes:
Pixar’s RenderMan®
Our Academy Award®-winning core rendering technology.
Helps record the health of an entire render farm, an important companion to Pixar's remote execution server, Alfred.
RenderMan Studio is a collection of tools that form an advanced render pipeline that is both easy to use and fully customizable. From Maya scene translation, to network rendering, to compositing . . . RenderMan Studio provides a powerful render pipeline for maximum efficiency. The RenderMan Studio includes:
RenderMan for Maya Pro™
Integrates tightly with Maya to provide a bridge to Pixar's RenderMan.
The complete solution for shader management and creation. Build shaders visually and take full advantage of the RenderMan Shading ********.
The scriptable work distribution system. Perfectly suited for managing large render farms.
The image tool with powerful script based compositing.
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RenderMan Pro Server includes all the tools required for rendering images for film and video productions. RenderMan Pro Server is able to turn any server or artist desktop into a rendering machine.
RenderMan Pro Server includes:
Pixar’s RenderMan®
Our Academy Award®-winning core rendering technology.
Helps record the health of an entire render farm, an important companion to Pixar's remote execution server, Alfred.
RenderMan Studio is a collection of tools that form an advanced render pipeline that is both easy to use and fully customizable. From Maya scene translation, to network rendering, to compositing . . . RenderMan Studio provides a powerful render pipeline for maximum efficiency. The RenderMan Studio includes:
RenderMan for Maya Pro™
Integrates tightly with Maya to provide a bridge to Pixar's RenderMan.
The complete solution for shader management and creation. Build shaders visually and take full advantage of the RenderMan Shading ********.
The scriptable work distribution system. Perfectly suited for managing large render farms.
The image tool with powerful script based compositing.
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