Iconize is a WordPress plugin for adding vector icons to posts, pages, menu items, widget titles and taxonomy terms visually, using simple and easy to use modal dialog. Plugin was built with WordPress best practises in mind and contains about 2000 icons which are crisp at 16x pixels ( except dashicons which are available in WordPress 3.8 and crisp at 20x pixels ).

  • Visually choose, configure, insert and edit icons using modal dialog
  • Within dialog you can:
    • Browse icons by font
    • Search for icon by name
    • Set icon color
    • Enable/disable color change effect on hover
    • Select predefined transform, animation or hover effect CSS class
    • Select predefined size CSS class or enter font size
    • Select predefined align CSS class
    • Add custom CSS classes

  • Fonts included:
    • Font Awesome
    • Foundicons
    • Genericons
    • Entypo
    • Typicons
    • Iconic
    • Zocial
    • Fontelico and Brandico
    • Icomoon ( free pack )
    • Dashicons in WordPress 3.8 version

  • Editor integration

Demo Codecanyon Iconize WordPress Plugin v1.1.4

Download Codecanyon Iconize WordPress Plugin v1.1.4

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